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Client-Server Architecture Made Easy

Servers Made Easy:

Whenever you visit a website, you see many pictures, videos, text etc. This is known as the data of the website. If you want to see this data every time you visit that website, the website’s data should be stored in a device that is connected to the internet at all times. These devices are called Servers. These servers store the data of the website and are connected to the internet so that the website works 24/7.

In simpler terms, A server is a computer that stores data and sends it when it is asked for.

Based on these observations, let’s derive the features of a server.

Characteristics of a Server:

1. Servers always wait to serve the requests.
2. In order to serve the request, a server may communicate with other related servers as well.

But the question is, who asks for the data from the server?

Clients Made Easy:

When you type ‘’ and hit enter, the data of the website
should get loaded from servers, but who’s asking to load the data of
the website?
It’s your PC (web browser), which is in fact also known as
Client in this case.

Based on these observations, let’s derive the features of a client.

Characteristics of a Client:

1. Requests the data from the server.
2. Waits for the server to receive data.

Client-Server Made Easy:

Now that you know about clients and servers, let’s combine both of them and
look at what is known as Client-Server Architecture”.

Let’s take a very general example.

If you want to get something, you must ask something. Similarly, if you want to visit a website, you are in turn asking to load the data of the website. Thereafter, the data is fetched from the web servers and finally, the website is loaded. Here there are two main roles involved – The client, which is requesting to load the website and the Server, which is presenting the data that is requested by the client.

This coordination between Client and Server is simply known as Client-Server Architecture


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